“But the comfort is, you shall be called to no more payments, fear no more tavern-bills.”
— First Gaoler (Jailer), Cymbeline, Scene 5 Act 4 Shakespeare
Get a DUI and other expenses of drunk driving.
The dry sense of humor found in other parts of this book (The book I just finished writing) is not found here. Driving drunk is no joke. So many innocent lives have been ruined due to the results of drunk driving. There is no excuse. Over 1.4 million people are arrested for DUI annually according to National Highway Traffic Administration. According to MADD, Mothers against Drunk Driving, drunk driving costs the United States $132 billion per year. 28 people die every Day in the United States due to alcohol related deaths.
The total cost of a first time DUI in the state of Florida is between $7,500 and $10,000. The auto insurance premium increase alone is between $3,300 and $6,000 (After you get your driving privilege back). A friend just told me her insurance after one Dui was $5,000 per 6 months in Florida. You will probably lose your driving privileges. In Florida you must acquire an SR-22 which is a document that allows you to reinstate your license after purchasing pricey insurance. The SR-22, in Florida, has to be in place for three years before you can buy insurance without one. The lucky DUI or DWI offender has to acquire FR-44 insurance. FR-44 some say is called “DUI” insurance. The restrictions are more strict than the SR-22. For instance, if there is a lapse of coverage, the 3 year term resets to when you reinstate. Leaving the State of Florida does not help your situation. You also must pay 6 months at a time. No convenient monthly payments. However, according to MADD, 50- 75% of convicted DUI offenders continue to drive with a suspended license. Some say that you can hire a high powered, experienced lawyer to request an administrative hearing with your state’s department of motor vehicles to appeal the loss of your driver’s license. Sounds like fun. I am sure the legal fee is not expensive at all. (That’s sarcasm)
So, in addition to a large part of your savings and income committed to pay your debt to society, you may rely on others to get back and forth to work. If your job requires you to have a driver’s license, you’ll be looking for a new job on your bicycle! Sweet!
After getting your driving privileges back you may be required to install an ignition (interlock) safety switch that checks your breath every time you drive. That should begin great conversations with your young children in the car. Cost $500-$1500
How about court ordered alcohol treatment classes. $500 - $1000.
Probation Supervision: $1000
According to dui.drivinglaws.org your total first time Florida DUI experience may include the following.
1. License Suspension
2. Jail Time
3. Fines
4. Probation
5. Community Service
6. Ignition Interlock Device
7. Vehicle Impoundment
Florida law requires you to take a breath, blood, or urine test if arrested for DUI. It’s called “implied consent” and it’s on your Florida driver’s license. You agreed to it.
Here is a “subject” where I believe you should learn from “other” people’s mistakes! The bad choice of driving under the influence could ruin your whole life!
The next time you need a ride after drinking, call a cab, or Uber/Lyft.
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